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Refereed Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

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“Control Versus Execution: Endogenous Appropriability and Entrepreneurial Strategy,” (with K. Ching and J. Gans), Industrial and Corporate Change, 2018. 

“The Impact of the Entry of Biosimilars: Evidence from Europe,” (with F. Scott-Morton and A. Stern), Review of Industrial Organization (Forthcoming) | working paper

“Patents, Papers, and Secrecy: Contracting over the Disclosure of Scientific and Commercial Knowledge,” (with J. Gans and F. Murray), Research Policy, 2017.

"Contracting Over the Disclosure of Scientific Knowledge: Intellectual Property and Academic Publication" (with F. Murray and J. Gans), Research Policy, 2017. | working paper

Of Mice and Academics: Examining the Effect of Openness on Innovation,” (with P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont, F. Murray and J. Kolev), American Economic Journal: Policy, 2016. | working paper

Defining Clusters of Related Industries,” (with M. Delgado and M.E. Porter), Journal of Economic Geography, 2015. | working paper

"Where is Silicon Valley?" (with J. Guzman), Science, 2015

Intellectual Property and the Evolution of Scientific Journals as Knowledge Platforms,” (with F. Murray and D. Fehder), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2014. | working paper

Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance” (with M.E. Porter and M. Delgado), Research Policy, 2014. | working paper

Grand Innovation Prizes:  A Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Evaluation,” (with F. Murray, G. Campbell, and A. McCormack), Research Policy, 2012. | working paper

“Growing Stem Cells:  The Impact of the Bush Stem Cell Policy on the Geography of Scientific Discovery,” (with J. Furman and F. Murray), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2012. | working paper 

Climbing Atop the Shoulders of Giants:  The Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Knowledge Production,” (with J. Furman), American Economic Review, 2011. | MIT D-Space Open Access

The Public and Private Sectors in the Process of Innovation: Theory and Evidence from the Mouse Genetics Revolution,” (with P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont, J. Kolev, and F. Murray), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2010. | MIT D-Space Open Access 

Clusters and Entrepreneurship,” (with M. Delgado and M.E. Porter), Journal of Economic Geography, 2010. | MIT D-Space Open Access

Is There a Market for Ideas?” (with J. Gans), Industrial and Corporate Change, 2010. | working paper

Disclosure or Secrecy?:  The Dynamics of Open Science,” (withA. Mukherjee), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009. | working paper

Complementarity Among Vertical Integration Decisions: Evidence from Automobile ProductDevelopment,” (with S. Novak), Management Science, 2009. | working paper

How Does Outsourcing Affect Performance Dynamics?  Evidence from the Auto Industry,” (with S. Novak), Management Science, 2008. | working paper

The Impact of Uncertain IP Rights on the Market for Ideas: Evidence from Patent Grant Delays,” (with J. Gans and D. Hsu), Management Science. 2008. | working paper

“Do Formal Intellectual Property Rights Hinder the Free Flow of Scientific Knowledge?: An Empirical Test of the Anti-Commons Hypothesis,” (with F. Murray),  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2007. | working paper

Do Scientists Pay to Be Scientists?”  Management Science, 2004. | working paper

“When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?: Evidence from the SBIR,” (with J. Gans), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2003. | working paper

The Product Market and the Market for Ideas: Commercialization Strategies for Technology Entrepreneurs,” (with J. Gans), Research Policy, 2003. | working paper

When Does Start-up Innovation Spur the Gale of Creative Destruction?,” (with J. Gansand  D. Hsu), RAND Journal of Economics, 2002. | working paper

The Impact of Information Technology on Emergency Health Care Outcomes,” (with S. Athey), RAND Journal of Economics, 2002. | working paper

The Determinants of National Innovative Capacity,” (with J. Furman and M.E. Porter), Research Policy, 2002. | working paper

Innovation:  Location Matters,” (with M.E. Porter), Sloan Management Review, Summer 2001.  Reprinted in Innovation:  Driving Product, Process, and Market Change ed. Edward B. Roberts, Jossey-Bass.

Untangling the Origins of Competitive Advantage,” (with I. Cockburn and R. Henderson), Strategic Management Journal, 2000.  Reprinted in The Strategic Management Society Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities:  Emergence, Development and Change ed. Constance E. Helfat, Blackwell Publishers. | MIT D-Space Open Access

Innovation Incentives, Compatibility, and Expropriation as an Antitrust Remedy: The Legacy of the Borland/Ashton-Tate Consent Decree,” (with C. Fazio) Antitrust Law Journal, 2000.

Incumbency and R&D Incentives: Licensing the Gale of Creative Destruction,” (with. J. Gans),  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2000. | working paper

Market Segmentation and the Sources of Rents from Innovation:  Personal Computers in the Late 1980s,” (with T. Bresnahan and M. Trajtenberg), RAND Journal of Economics, 1997. | MIT D-Space Open Access

Urban Productivity and Factor Growth in the Late Nineteenth Century,” (with R. Bostic  and  J. Gans), Journal of Urban Economics, 1996.   

Refereed Books

The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited, (Edited with Josh Lerner), University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Biological Resource Centers: Knowledge Hubs for the Life Sciences, Brookings Institution, 2004.