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The Startup Cartography Project

The Startup Cartography Project leverages population-level business registration records and predictive analytics to form novel measures of entrepreneurial quantity, quality and performance at an arbitrary level of geographic and temporal granularity.  The purpose of this website is to provide a public access interactive website, data repository, and research archive that makes this work accessible to researchers, public and private sector analysts, and the public.  Website tools are designed to facilitate detailed visualization of entrepreneurial ecosystems (at multiple levels of visualization), track entrepreneurial dynamics over time, and provide data that might be applicable to a wide range of research and policy purposes.

Entrepreneurial Strategy

Entrepreneurial Strategy is a conceptual framework that allows entrepreneurs to understand the key drivers and consequences of their strategic decisions. The framework was developed by Joshua Gans, Erin L. Scott, and Scott Stern, and is grounded in two decades of experience with researching entrepreneurship and advising early-stage startups. This research team has joined forces to develop an upcoming textbook, case package, and teaching guide on Entrepreneurial Strategy.

The MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (MIT REAP) 

The MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program is a capstone global initiative at MIT designed to help regions accelerate economic growth and job creation through innovation-driven entrepreneurship. Partner regions form multi-disciplinary teams and commit to a two-year learning engagement with MIT REAP. During this engagement, teams work with world-renowned MIT faculty and the broader MIT REAP community through a series of action-learning activities to build and implement a custom regional strategy for enhancing their IDE ecosystems.

Innovation Policy and the Economy 

Innovation Policy and the Economy is an annual series sponsored by the National Bureau of Economic Research which aims to bring the work of leading academic researchers to the broader policy community, presenting papers that demonstrate the role that economic theory and empirical analysis can play in evaluating policy.  These talks highlight the economic importance of innovative activity, and delve into ongoing debates on the effect of public policy on the innovation process.

The Social Progress Index

The Social Progress Imperative’s mission is to improve the quality of lives of people around the world by advancing global social progress. The Social Progress Index provides a robust, holistic and innovative measurement tool to guide countries’ choices in ways that promote social progress and foster collaborative research on policies and investments that will best achieve that goal.

The U.S. Cluster Mapping Project 

The U.S. Cluster Mapping Project is a national initiative that provides open data on regional clusters and economies to support U.S. business, innovation and policy.  The project is open to the public, and provides robust, interactive data and tools to help users understand clusters, gain insight on regional business environments, improve institutions, and locate appropriate partners across the country.